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Category Archives: Hawaiian Islands
Kona, Hawaii Photos
I have posted a sampling of our photos from our scuba diving trip to Kona, Hawaii in November, 2015. We saw some amazing wildlife underwater. Swimming frog fish, tiny crabs of all shapes and colors, dainty nudibranchs, majestic manta rays, … Continue reading
Kona Again!
I remember travelling to Hawaii as a child and as a teenager with my family. After landing, the airplane door would be opened and this wonderfully flower and ocean scented air would drift into the cabin of the plane, and … Continue reading
We Meet Again
It’s our first day of diving with the Kona Diving Company. We dove with the same crew last year and are looking forward to diving with them again. Laid back, super friendly and fun. As we walk onto the boat … Continue reading
Kona Diving
We have the time from the hotel to the dock time to the second. Out to the lot a couple of minutes late and the lineup on the road is horrendous. I don’t get it!!! Kona is a small island … Continue reading
Our Friends the Octopi
It is a day of octopi. The waters along Kona seem to team with the creatures as we see these eight legged friends on every dive. They are curious and will venture out of their hiding place to take a … Continue reading
Kona Island Tour
It took all day but we circumnavigated 1/2 of Kona island. We have been diving a lot and have 6 more dive days left so today is a break. We have heard this island has two distinct personalities. One lush, … Continue reading
It Takes Time, Kona.
It is amazing how long it takes to get back in stride and begin to find the small animals you know you can locate. 5 days in and I think I am getting close to finding the things I should … Continue reading
Last year, one of the dive masters suggested I try a 63 cu ft tank instead of using the normal 80 cu ft tank. It is shorter and weighs less, but the volume of air is “less”. I tried it … Continue reading
All Creatures
“Whale!” shouts D from the bow of the dive boat. “Which brownies are you eating?” calls Shaggy from the aft. Everyone laughs. We all rush forward and watch a humpback whale spout and then show us his tail. Magnificent creature! … Continue reading
Breaking In a New Camera
I have a new underwater camera. My old one was a Canon S95, new one is a Canon G7 X Mark II. Similar, but different. On day one of diving, I choose settings for the new camera like I chose … Continue reading