Tag Archives: scuba

Diving off Malapascua Island

Now, that’s what I call great diving!  Murray and I love to find weird creatures, small creatures, fish and rare stuff. Boy, do we find all that on our two dives this morning. Between our dive master, BJ, and us … Continue reading

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Last Dive on Bonaire and Homeward Bound

Eighty minutes into our last dive I realize I still have 1,000 lbs. of air. I have done 90-minute dives a few times but with that much air I could do 100. Debbie and I have a short conversation using … Continue reading

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The word for the day is “HUGE”. Today we see a huge crab right at the beginning of our first dive. This fellow was out in the open at 9:00 this morning. Must have been partying last night and was … Continue reading

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The Reef

Bonaire designated the reef surrounding the island a national marine park in 1979. Long before it was the ‘in’ thing to do. The result is a very healthy reef with such abundant life it is hard to find those unusual … Continue reading

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Banner Day

Sorry, all we talk about is diving when we are here, but in fact that is all we do here. This island is not exactly a land of plenty. It is from my perspective one dimensional. If you are coming … Continue reading

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Somehow even though there is no day light savings time on Bonaire Debbie and I managed to be 1 hour late for our appointed time to leave for diving this morning. So even though C had set up the truck … Continue reading

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First Dive on Bonaire

The first dive of a dive trip is always a nervous goofy messed up affair. Today is no different. We are packing the truck trying to get to the dive shop for around 9:00 to do our sign up, get … Continue reading

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A Perfect Last Day of Diving

The day starts out with two turtles and a cute box fish swimming near the boat dock and then dolphins in the entry to the harbour. A couple of them swim our bow wave right underneath us. It is already … Continue reading

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Drift Diving

Today, the big boat, Hale Kai, is full so we get chosen to go on Imi Kai, the smaller more agile boat. There are four guest divers, dive master S and boat captain S. We get to do two drift … Continue reading

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The day starts with B and Debbie standing on the lanai and spotting a pod of spinner dolphins swimming by. Not even on the boat yet and the omens are good. D asks us what we want to see today … Continue reading

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