Author Archives: debbie

Manila Thoughts

Monday today, the museums and art galleries are closed. After years of travel I think we have finally learned that. The markets will indeed be in full swing and since we haven’t visited any of them in Manila, we thought … Continue reading

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Architecture, Art and Cake

The Manila Metropolitan Theatre was opened in 1931 and is in the art deco style. Unfortunately, during WWII it got bombed, which destroyed the roof but the walls held firm. The building has gone through a number of restorations and … Continue reading

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Intramuros and Binondo, Manila

Our goal today is to walk though Binondo to Intramuros, the old Spanish section of Manila.The area houses Fort Santiago, the Manila Cathedral and other landmarks.  We purposely stay in a Novotel hotel located at a mall and at the … Continue reading

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Last Day of Diving in the Philippines

No words. Just photos.

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Apo Island

Today is a day trip to Apo Island, about a 45 minute boat ride away. I am excited as we have heard there are turtles at this island. We have six divers and three snorkelers, plus the crew, on board. … Continue reading

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Debbie’s Musings

I don’t really think of myself as old. I’m 66 and that is not old. 90 is old. This is the first trip where I am treated as old, or should I say, elderly. I guess men see my grey … Continue reading

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Last Dives on Malapascua

Our last day of diving and we are the only two diving so we have our own small boat, captain and dive master. This is the life!  On the first dive we do not see many creatures, but the soft … Continue reading

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Gato Island

Today we dive at Gato Island, about a 45 minute boat ride from the port. It is a tiny island, with what looks like one inhabitant, or at least, one domicile. A fishing hut perhaps. The North Wall has otherworldly … Continue reading

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Tiger Sharks and Thresher Sharks

We are sitting in the restaurant/bar of our hotel, Kokay’s Maldito Dive Resort. Lunch is spring rolls and Coke on ice. It is already 3:00 as we did three dives today. We traveled to Monad Shoal and then Kinod Shoal. … Continue reading

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Diving off Malapascua Island

Now, that’s what I call great diving!  Murray and I love to find weird creatures, small creatures, fish and rare stuff. Boy, do we find all that on our two dives this morning. Between our dive master, BJ, and us … Continue reading

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