Category Archives: Indonesia

Another Sojourn in the Works

In the spring, Murray and I started talking about a fall trip. Where should we go? What should we do? One of our methods of deciding where to go is to ask ourselves “What destination is on the list that … Continue reading

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The Planning Continues for Raja Ampat

We have booked our liveaboard to Raja Ampat, so now we need flights. One of my tricks to finding out what airlines fly to where we need to go is to go onto the airport website of the city where … Continue reading

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SE Asia Immersion

Today is the day we leave the sterile environment of Singapore and jump with two feet into SE Asia. am and we are waiting for the restaurant at the Mercure Bugis to open so we can grab some breakfast. The … Continue reading

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Indonesian Thoughts

Indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world. That is quite noticeable given the number of people about. It seems everyone drives either a motor or a mobil (motorbike or car). Considering the volume of vehicles, traffic moves … Continue reading

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On the Boat in Raja Ampat

Everything goes to plan. The Coralia driver picks us up at the appointed time. We go to another hotel to pick up other guests and we’re headed to the dock. There are 6 of us in two cars so the … Continue reading

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Into the Blue

Mantas? Holey shit mantas. We dive a spot in the open ocean, three small rocks jut up out of the blue and are surrounded by quite a shallow shelf. I think the deepest we went in 78 min. is 48ft. … Continue reading

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Mandarin Fish

One of the prime sights in this part of the underwater world are mandarin fish. They are brightly coloured, about two inches long and only appear at dusk. We enter the water as it starts to get dark to go … Continue reading

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Live aboard Scuba Diving

If you have ever wanted to go diving on a liveaboard, do it. Being on one allows a diver to explore dive sites that cannot be reached from shore. Depending on the liveaboard, the service, accommodation and food are excellent. … Continue reading

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Boo Hoo

Last day in Raja. Tears all around. We could have mutinied, there were no guest scheduled for the Coralia until Wednesday and had we revolted we could have had the boat to ourselves for another 3 days but sanity prevailed … Continue reading

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Post live-a-board

Here is some random Indonesian pondering. I mentioned this before but the driving system here is random at best. There is an order and it did not take long to figure out but the free flowing system is not very … Continue reading

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