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February 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tags
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- Utila, Honduras
- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: backcountry skiing
A Typical Day at Mistaya Lodge
Some folks are early risers, some late. The early risers congregate downstairs by the fire, the warmest spot in the lodge in the mornings. Yoga, meditation, reading, waking up. We are a self catered group, which means we have brought … Continue reading
Mistaya Lodge – Heli Day
Lousy sleep, don’t know why. I’m not the only one. At least 1/2 of us slept bad??? We woke to find L, daughter of J & C, was taken to the local hospital at about 4am with a pain in … Continue reading
Mistaya Lodge
What was good WIFI last year has turned into intermittent WIFI this year. I am sitting outside on the step of the small building that houses the router. We will try to post when we can, and will catch up … Continue reading
Mistaya Bound
It is 5:00pm and we are in Golden, awaiting eight others before we helicopter into Mistaya Lodge in the morning. In December, Murray and I started talking about me going backcountry skiing with him this year. I decided, in order … Continue reading
Short Day
It is the day we have been waiting for – 28cm of new snow. Trouble is, it is only -1 and it is wet. Very wet. Travel will be hard and the only turns to be had will be on … Continue reading
It’s Snowing
We get up and the snow has been falling for a few hours. There is more than enough to fill in our tracks from all the previous days. The ceiling is low so we decide to go to Christmas, the … Continue reading
Good Day, Bad Day
We are headed for Castor Peak. The up track was set 90% of the way 2 days ago and we want to see what is up there. The travel is easy and there are no decisions to make so we … Continue reading
Blanket – A full day of skiing
Fog, clear, sun, fog. The morning is changing constantly. We get some advise on good spots from a couple of the other guests that have been here previously. We have a general idea where we are going, but never having … Continue reading
Intro to Blanket Glacier Chalet
Early, early, early. Jami said 6:15, we’re there at 6:00 and La Baguette isn’t open. They don’t open until 6.30???? We spend our time on the ‘summer patio’ signing the waiver. Door opens at 6:31 and Jami is happy, we … Continue reading
On The Road – Backcountry Ski Trip
Murray has been at a lodge this past week backcountry skiing. The lodge does not have WIFI. HORRORS!! He assured me he would write posts each day and post them when he gets home. This is a post he wrote last … Continue reading