Fog, clear, sun, fog. The morning is changing constantly. We get some advise on good spots from a couple of the other guests that have been here previously. We have a general idea where we are going, but never having been here before, it is a bit of an adventure. We head off and use compass bearings to feel our way up.
When we stop we are exactly where we want to be. It took us a while to figure out we had arrived. Our first turns are east, the terrain is rolly and it is a stop and go prospect. After talking it over we decide the run we are looking for, Christmas, is actually over the ridge and slopes west.
Oh boy, did we find a great spot to ski. The slope is perfect for the amount of snow and there is enough untracked snow for us to ski for days. The skiing here is real good, real good. The tours here are long and we manage two runs and a long run home.
The day is shorter and I’m home at 3. Gotta pace ourselves. It is a great day.