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February 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tags
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- Utila, Honduras
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Tag Archives: backcountry skiing
Debbie’s day off. I head out with A, J and G. It’s the other side of the valley today. We’re in no big hurry to get out the door as it is day 3, and are tired and yesterday it … Continue reading
Snow, Ice, Slush and Schmoo
It is said that the Inuit have dozens of words for snow and ice. We are experiencing many of those here at Sol Mountain Lodge. Itwas cold enough to freeze the top of the snow last night. Mur and I … Continue reading
Sol Mountain Lodge
Five of us (of our group of 13) board a mosquito of a helicopter in Revelstoke and fly down the Columbia River Valley, turn right and buzz over the peaks. The ride is made thrilling (for me at least) by … Continue reading
Backcountry Skiing in April
We are in Revelstoke to catch a heli to Sol Mountain Lodge tomorrow to embark on another backcountry ski adventure. This one is with a group of 13 people, mostly from Sundance Ski Shop. There will be various levels of skiing … Continue reading
Backcountry Skiing – Packing for the Trip
There are two packing lists on our blog for backcountry skiing, one for day trips and one for what is needed for living in a lodge. This post discusses some points about packing for the lodge. When helicoptering into a backcountry … Continue reading
Mistaya Finale
It snowed 12 cm last night according to the Storm Board. That usually means the snow is deeper where the wind blows a bit. This can be a problem and increases the avalanche danger but we are headed back to … Continue reading
The Climb
The group decides to start our ski day at “The Whaleback”. We will ski it a couple of times and maybe go to “The Leprechaun”. The top of The Whaleback is about 1,000 feet above the lodge. If we assume … Continue reading
Mistaya Lodge
We like Mistaya Lodge. It is comfortable, homey, roomy, efficiently laid out and welcoming. Upon entering the doors from outside, we find ourselves in the boot room. An ample space for skiers to hang jackets, skins and store packs and … Continue reading
The Wind Scours
Off to the Whaleback. A place we have never skied before. But it looked good from across the valley so we are going to give it a try. It is an easy trek to get to the bottom and not too … Continue reading
It’s Sunny!
Our third day, Debbie stays at the lodge to rest. Six of us head up the hill. Same slope as the last two days, Heather Ridge. We might as well trash it. We know it is safe and we thought … Continue reading