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Category Archives: San Salvador, Bahamas
San Salvador, Bahamas
When we got home from Myanmar, I was tired. Part of the tiredness was from not scheduling down time during our 4 week adventure. Part of the tiredness was from, in my opinion, traveling consistently every fall for 4 or … Continue reading
Nassau, Bahamas
After enduring the “Red Eye” to Toronto and the flight to The Bahamas, Murray, B and I arrive safely in Nassau. Our first impressions of the Bahamas are positive. The local people are super friendly. They are willing to say … Continue reading
The Aquarium
We enter the aquarium today. Kersplash! A giant stride off the back of the boat brings us into the aquarium. We descend over sand, where the boat is tied up, make our way over to the wall and drop over … Continue reading
The Day of the Groupers
We swim with the resident groupers today. Two are named Tom and Jerry, with Jerry being the more friendly. Our dive master tells us they like to be petted. I timidly stroke one, not sure if it is Tom or Jerry, … Continue reading
A Comedy of Errors
First dive of the day. We have descended below the boat. B swims over to me and shows me her empty wrist. No dive computer. No problem, we will share mine. I make pantomime motions indicating that we will both … Continue reading
New Friendships
The first day we dive we are joined by two “older” ladies from New York. They have been coming here for many years. Both are close to retirement and have started building a house on the island so they can … Continue reading
San Salvador’s Beaches
Saturday is a beach day. The beaches here are amazing. White sand for miles in each direction, same sand 100 metres into the sea, and warm water. We leave The Riding Rock headed south for Long Bay and our first … Continue reading
The Last Day of Diving
It’s our last day of diving. We try to find all our favourite creatures. We are successful at seeing some, not so successful with others. Still haven’t had a good siting of a hammerhead shark. It will have to wait … Continue reading
Homeward Bound
In keeping with the Riding Rock’s excellent service, we are shuttled to the airport to check in for our flights and then returned to the hotel to sit in comfort. After insuring the plane is on time we are given … Continue reading
Traveling with a Lucky Charm
We travel with a lucky charm on this trip. After all the excitement and issues we have experienced in the last few trips, this one was easy. All due to our lucky charm! On the way to San Salvador, our … Continue reading