The Aquarium

We enter the aquarium today.

Kersplash! A giant stride off the back of the boat brings us into the aquarium. We descend over sand, where the boat is tied up, make our way over to the wall and drop over the wall. The wall goes down forever, but we only descend to about 80 feet.

Very quickly we meet the resident reef sharks. Our dive master says they are like dogs, looking to be fed the lion fish that are speared. They can smell them and have learned that they can find the lion fish on the end of a spear. We are followed and escorted by 3 or 4.

Reef shark

Reef Shark

We meet critters we are familiar with and some we are not. We are always excited when we discover a new fish or creature. We see a Flying Gurnard on the sand bottom and the dive master disturbs it so it will open its pectoral fins as it swims away.

Flying gurnard

Flying Gurnard

We dive and snack and dive and lunch and dive again. This is life in the aquarium.


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