San Salvador, Bahamas

When we got home from Myanmar, I was tired. Part of the tiredness was from not scheduling down time during our 4 week adventure. Part of the tiredness was from, in my opinion, traveling consistently every fall for 4 or 5 years.

If I look backwards, our trips have been to Myanmar/Maldives, Tanzania/Botswana, Bhutan/India, China/Tibet and Greece. These are not small trips. In between these trips we have been traveling in the spring on scuba diving trips – Cozumel, Utlia, Bonaire.

That’s a great deal of traveling, and plenty of travel planning. We plan all our own flights, tours when needed, hotels and diving and the planning takes months for a long and far away journey. I’m tired and need a break.

We have decided that we are not going on a “big” trip this fall. Instead, we are going to do two scuba diving trips. One in April, to Virgin Gorda with our New York friends and one in July with our Edmonton friends.

We have settled on San Salvador, Bahamas for the July trip as Murray has wanted to go there ever since it was recommended to him as a great place to dive. The travel planning is done except for a hotel in Nassau for two quick overnight stays enroute. The planning for San Salvador is easy as there are actually only 2 or 3 places to stay on the island. We are staying at the Riding Rock Inn. Flights are booked without hassle (so far) and we’re ready to go under the sea!

The planning for these two trips has been relatively painless and it feels marvelous to not have to work for months sorting through information. The break in the fall will be good for us and, no doubt, we will continue our long distance exploration of the globe in 2015.

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