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Category Archives: Hawaiian Islands
Love Affair
Psst. I have something to tell you. I’ve had a love affair. It has lasted for many many years, 53 to be exact. It’s with the Hawaiian Islands. There, I have said it. My first trip to Hawaii was when … Continue reading
Ever notice how when we are waiting for something exciting, time moves like a tortoise going on a walk-about? This week leading up to our trip to Kona has been just like that! I am wishing Monday will get here but it is … Continue reading
Kona – and we are off!
Got out of bed this morning, it was just like any other morning. No rush, no fuss, sit at the computer and see what happened overnight. We are off to Hawaii today. The thing is, I have not done the … Continue reading
First Day of Diving
Yesterday we did not dive. We basically did chores and hit a few beaches. We got a general look at the surroundings. The water is great, the sun warm, people are friendly, the traffic awful, and the parking absurd. Today … Continue reading
Perfect Diving in Kona
If you are a diver and haven’t been to Kona yet, go. Just go. I am surprised it took us this long to come here. The diving doesn’t get better than this. On our second dive, within minutes of giant … Continue reading
Manta Rays
Yesterday we dove our usual two dives in the morning, but our dive day did not end there. After a quick one hour ten minute break where we sped to our hotel to change camera batteries and a stop at … Continue reading
Kona Impressions
First impressions The diving is great. The island is OK. Haven’t done much of the tourist thing yet so can’t say why one could come here. We’re here to dive so the choice of destination seems to be correct. It … Continue reading
Kona Beaches
We finish our two dives ” early”, around 1:15 pm, so we decide to partake in our second favourite thing on a tropical island. The first being scuba diving, of course. Our second most fav is trying out beaches. We … Continue reading
Kona’s Frog Fish
It was years of diving before Murray and I saw our first frog fish. It was in the Maldives. The frog fish was bright red and he was walking, not swimming, across his little patch of coral. Funny looking creatures. … Continue reading
Kona’ Small Creatures
Murray and I love to search for small creatures when we are underwater. It usually takes a few days of diving to get our eyes and brains attuned to finding these little wonders. But once we know where to look … Continue reading