Kona – and we are off!

Got  out of bed this morning, it was just like any other morning. No rush, no fuss, sit at the computer and see what happened overnight.

We are off to Hawaii today. The thing is, I have not done the copious amounts of research I usually do before a trip. Hawaii is English speaking and a tourist mecca. There should be very little in the way of barriers and the tourist trail should be very well marked.

A arrives to give us a ride to the airport and I am neither excited nor am I wrought with angst. It felt as if I was heading out to Ardrossan for a long bike ride. I’m quite sure this is a result of not having spent numerous hours at the computer looking up places that cannot be missed, restaurants worth patronizing, beaches that must be visited or art galleries of interest. The thing is, this research in some ways stifles the spontaneity that can come from just showing up at destination and letting things unfold as the day provides, but what it does do is extend the trip. Those days spent reading about your next trip and seeing images of the way others see that particular place are a virtual extension of the trip you are about to embark on can be beneficial.

From a financial point of view this of course amatorizes the cost over a greater number of days and makes any trip much more affordable, from an educational perspective, you are much better informed of the environs both physical and cultural, and you are far better prepared and do not spend as much time sorting out what is to be participated in and how to go about getting involved.

On the other hand if today is any indication, the lack of preparation results in a more relaxed start to the day. Show up and go with what happens. The schedule is slack and it is not as important to be on time. Except of course for the first airplane, you miss that and you may as well have stayed in bed.

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