Tag Archives: Saba

Saba Photos

Our photos of Saba, both underwater and above the water are now posted! To view photos, hover over “Photos”, in the main menu bar, until the drop down menu appears. Click on “Saba 2016” in the drop down menu. Wait … Continue reading

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Last Day on Saba

Our last day on Saba is a non dive day. Feels weird not to dive. We hike up to one to the hills for a view of Windwardside. The hike is up steep mossy steps in the forest, the view … Continue reading

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Saba, The Diving

Another last day blog. It doesn’t matter how many time I travel, the last day is always a sad one. It seems as if we have been here always, the routine is easy, get up eat, dive, dive, back to … Continue reading

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Saba, The Island

Interesting place this Saba. There is basically one road. From the north-east end of the island up to the top and down to the south-west side of the island. There are a few branches of the main trunk but roads … Continue reading

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A Great Find!

Trunkfish are one of our favourite fishes. They are triangular in cross section, spotted and have big eyes and cute lips. They search for food by blowing on the sand and then gobble up lunch. This is what an adult … Continue reading

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Today we are headed to the dive site Saba is famous for, the Pinnicles. Most of the sites are close to shore and within 10 minutes boat ride from the harbour. Today we travel 11 minutes and we are maybe … Continue reading

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Underwater Colours

The colours are remarkable underwater. From far away the pinnacles at the dive site called Man o’ War are dark looming shapes with monochromatic colouring. Get within a couple of feet, the colours pop out and they are fantastic. Bright … Continue reading

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The Miniature Underwater World

Murray and I enjoy seeking out miniature creatures under the waves. It takes some practise, patience and moving very slowly to spot them. Here is some of the tiny wild life we discovered today. These tiny creatures move about and … Continue reading

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Second Day Diving

The second day of diving is always much better than the first day. The morning nerves are gone that appear on that first morning. Our breathing is more relaxed, our buoyancy is almost back to where it was when we … Continue reading

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Arrival on Saba

We wake up this morning and we are surrounded by clouds. You would think we were still in the Rockies ready to go skiing, instead we don our bathing suits and descend 1250 ft to the ocean and dive to … Continue reading

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