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Category Archives: Tanzania and Botswana
Starting to Pack
I finally get the packing bug. I print off the “House Sitter” list, the “Before Leaving” list and our packing list. All these can be found under “Packing Lists” on the Menu bar of the blog. I have pasted the … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged packing, packing lists, trip planning
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My Purse Conundrum
I have been using this Eagle Creek bag as my travel purse for years. It is well worn, but has been a good purse. For this trip Murray and I want to be able to put extra stuff in our … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged packing, purses for travel, trip planning
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Our trip to Africa is set and now it is just counting down the days. I keep looking at the way we have prepared for this trip and wondering if we have not lost a bit of adventure. The internet … Continue reading
My Travel Purse Has Arrived!
I get in the door from my trainer appointment and Murray calls out “Quick, come see what arrived! Open your package!” With shoes and jacket still on, I open the package and there is my new travel purse from CourierWare. … Continue reading
Travel Adapters for Electrical Outlets
We got stung when we went to India and Bhutan because we didn’t thoroughly check what type of electrical outlet adapters we needed. We did have fun shopping for an adapter in Darjeeling and it all worked out in the … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged Botswana, Tanzania, Travel Adapters
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Test Pack
I say to Murray that we should do a test pack to see where we are at with stuff and volume. Murray beats me into our new rather tiny library, spreads his suitcase out on the floor and takes up … Continue reading
An Omen
We are going to Africa, soon. Today I get up late (7am). I head straight to the front door to get the newspaper. On the lawn is a elephant. Not large, but none the less an elephant. It is dark … Continue reading
Walking Training
Murray and I are both jocks and understand the concept behind training for an event. Whether it is a bike race, triathlon, marathon or 10K fun ride we know that to enjoy the event and to do well, we must … Continue reading
11 Sleeps…
I can feel our departure date looming, so I start counting sleeps. 11 sleeps. We are attending to our many lists. The “Before Leaving” list is mostly crossed off except for the items that need doing on the last few … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged packing, packing lists, travel, travel budget, travel planning, trip planning
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“Are you getting excited?”
I have been asked this question a number of times over the past week or so. I never seem to have a really good answer. The only time I have been SUPER excited to go on a trip recently was … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged travel, travel planning, trip expectations, trip planning
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