Category Archives: Bonaire

Bonaire Road Signage

Bonaire is a special municipality of the Netherlands, so there are many Dutch speakers here. Many food labels and menus are in Dutch, so it would make sense that road signs with words on them are in Dutch too. Roads … Continue reading

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A thought or two or four

In one part of Bonaire, sea water is flooded into large ponds and the water is evaporated leaving only salt that is shipped elsewhere. In another part of the island, sea water is pumped into a desalination plant, the salt … Continue reading

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Last Day of Diving in Bonaire

It is our last day of diving here in Bonaire. There are so many dive sites up and down the west coast, that even on our last day, we dive two sites we haven’t been to. We have been searching … Continue reading

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Goin’ Home

We are on the last plane of this trip and as far as the trip status goes we are still 0. It seems we can’t get through a trip without a bit of stress. Yesterday, Insel Air, supposedly a horrible … Continue reading

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First Dive on Bonaire

The first dive of a dive trip is always a nervous goofy messed up affair. Today is no different. We are packing the truck trying to get to the dive shop for around 9:00 to do our sign up, get … Continue reading

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A Garden of Soft Coral

Murray and I dive a site called Yellow Hut this morning. I knew it would be good when I spy Staghorn Coral on the swim out to the deep water. We descend to about 60 feet and we see a … Continue reading

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Today we hit our diving stride. It has taken 5 or 6 days but the three dives today were not easy and all were over 70 minutes long. The dives were not super hard with strong currents or anything but … Continue reading

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The Salt Pier

The Salt Pier is one of the iconic dive destinations on Bonaire. Everyone goes there. It’s busy. Sometimes there are up to 15 trucks lined up along the shore. We usually avoid the place. But today is turnover day and … Continue reading

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Somehow even though there is no day light savings time on Bonaire Debbie and I managed to be 1 hour late for our appointed time to leave for diving this morning. So even though C had set up the truck … Continue reading

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Banner Day

Sorry, all we talk about is diving when we are here, but in fact that is all we do here. This island is not exactly a land of plenty. It is from my perspective one dimensional. If you are coming … Continue reading

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