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Category Archives: Bhutan and India
Crunch Time
The time is nye and we are still making final arrangements on the India side of the trip. Our learning curve is big right now and some days life is very frustrating. Testing the limits of our civility. First, we … Continue reading
The Mini Pharmacy
We put together our first aid kit for India today. It looks like a mini Pharmacy. Sleeping pills, sinus cold pills, imodium pills, headache pills, fever pills, allergy pills, heartburn pills. Check. Ointments for cuts, heat rash, bug bites, plant … Continue reading
Counting Down
We are a week out and have, for the most part, everything in place. Now it is just the waiting. I, being my cocky self, don’t think we should have any trouble adapting to the unfamiliar, Debbie, whose job it … Continue reading
Posted in Bhutan and India, Planning and Packing, Travels
Tagged before leaving on a trip, Bhutan, carry on luggage, India, travel, travel planning
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Dealing with Mild Altitude Sickness
Last year, we went to Tibet as part of our China trip. Rather than fly into Lhasa, we had decided to take the train so we could acclimatize to the altitude slowly. We flew into Xining and then took the … Continue reading
House Sitters
We are trying something new with this trip. We have house sitters! We have some friends whose daughter just got married and the newly wed couple are living with relatives. The newly weds have bought a house and the possession … Continue reading
Posted in Bhutan and India, Planning and Packing
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Frankfurt on a Sunday
Arriving in Frankfurt on Sunday was the perfect accident. After checking into the Ibis Hotel near the airport, we walked to the nearest train station and took the train into downtown Frankfurt. Being a Sunday, everyone was out and about. … Continue reading
And So It Begins
I don’t know how many days we have strung together, but I do know that we are trying to put out a blog each day and that does not make any sense the way the days and hours meld when … Continue reading
It’s So Real
The security at the Kolkata airport is vaguely similar to most airports in the world. There are a few differences. First, checked baggage gets x-rayed before going to the check-in counter and each of the airlines has an x-ray machine … Continue reading
Darjeeling Walkabout – September 28
We slept in, showered and did some laundry, so we got a late start on the day. We ate breakfast in the hotel common area. Mur had scrambled eggs and toast and the cook was kind enough to make me … Continue reading
Posted in Bhutan and India
Tagged chowrasta Square, taxis from darjeeling to kalimpong
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Darjeeling Walkabout 2
The hotel is quite full. A tour group from Germany showed up last night. We were going down to eat breakfast and the dining area was full, so we wandered down the street. We ate at Glenary’s. OK place, the … Continue reading
Posted in Bhutan and India
Tagged darjeelilng, glenary's, happy valley tea plantation, hasty tasty
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