Frankfurt on a Sunday

Arriving in Frankfurt on Sunday was the perfect accident. After checking into the Ibis Hotel near the airport, we walked to the nearest train station and took the train into downtown Frankfurt. Being a Sunday, everyone was out and about.  Families, seniors, lovers, friends, tourists. The downtown area felt very welcoming with so many people out.

Our first order of business was to find food.  Had pizza and teriyaki chicken with rice and veggies in the Urban Kitchen, and then headed out for a long walk.  Frankfurt is filled with pedestrian only streets and squares.

Along the river, there were people sunning, playing, singing, and picnicking. It was very relaxing to wander amongst all these locals enjoying the sunny day.  We headed across a pedestrian bridge towards the Keiserdom Church, a huge cathedral built for magnificence.

We wandered and wandered and suddenly realized we were lost, asked directions and got back on the right path back to the train station.

While we ate, we talked about a photographic theme for our trip, and decided that it is going to be colour and movement.

Tomorrow we head to Kolkata and India. Touch base soon.


Mur’s 2 bits worth

Air Canada redeemed itself a slight bit on the flight from Calgary to Frankfurt yesterday. The airplane had some room. Probably more Boeing than AC but at least, not very big me, had some room. Then the hosts were actually pleasant, or at least 2 of the 3 were. Somewhat beyond pleasant, they were downright happy. Then they served dinner, pasta, and it was actually quite good. I hope this is a trend for the future.

I do not understand why so many people get as far into life without understanding that they exist with numerous other humans. Most of the people on the plane are asleep and some jackass opens the blind, to read, maybe???? There are task lights that shine exactly where ones holds their book so why does this guy have to illuminate three or four rows of the plane? But the entire world revolves around him I guess.

Landed in Frankfurt before but have never left the airport. Today we stepped outside, got to the Ibis Hotel close to the airport in a small town called Kelsterbach. The reviews about the hotel say it is not such good a place to stay mostly because it is in an industrial area. It is, but if the people writing the reviews had made a short walk of about 15 minutes, they would have discovered the nice little town of Kelsterbach.  There are several restaurants and the town is quite pretty. We have to stay here on our return trip so we have decided to explore it rather than going back into Frankfurt.

Germany is leaving a good impression on us. The first person we talked to was an agent for Lufthansa Airlines. He was extremely nice, answered all of our crazy tourist questions and still had a little time to kibitz. Everything has gone smooth from the time our feet touched the ground here until we returned back to the hotel a short while ago.

Frankfurt looks like a likely place to make a longer stopover sometime. There are lots of museums, galleries and theatres that can be taken in and even though it is quite big it does not seem too scary. It was a great day to start our trip.

It’s bedtime now.


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