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Category Archives: Maldives
A Design Problem
Travelling is a design problem. You start out with a sketch, you solve mystery after mystery and as you do, the end product becomes clearer and clearer. In school I learned once you think you have the problem solved, scrap … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Planning and Packing
Tagged Diving, Live-a-board, Maldives, scuba, scuba diving, travel, travel planning, trip planning
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Travel and the Internet
The internet has changed the way we set up for travel big time. I do not know whether the change is for the better or not. Years ago we researched our potential destination by book. Borrowed books from the library … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, Japan, Planning and Packing
Tagged Burma, Maldives, Myanmar, travel planning, trip planning
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Air Canada, My Most Favourite Airline in the Entire World
Customer service is not in the vocabulary of anyone involved with Air Canada. They go about their business doing what is best for Air Canada and the customer bedamned. We have arranged our trip so we have plenty of time … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, Japan, Planning and Packing
Tagged Burma, Maldives, Myanmar, trip planning
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The Waiting Game
I almost dislike the couple of weeks prior to a long trip. I am not good at waiting and that is what I seem to be doing. We have packed as much as we can. The only stuff not packed … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, Japan, Planning and Packing
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2 sleeps
I am down to counting sleeps. We went through our lists again on Sunday. We walked long on Monday. We will do our last swim today and our last walk tomorrow. Thursday night is reserved for the last minute “to … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, Japan, Planning and Packing
Tagged Burma, Maldives, Myanmar
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Male, Maldives Aboard the MV Orion
We are aboard the MV Orion! Our gear is stowed, lunch has been had and now we have time to relax. It is an international group of divers from Germany, Tanzania, USA, Malaysia, South Korea, Dubai and England. We hope … Continue reading
Bangkok, Thailand to Male, Maldives
Travel day. The day unfolds smoothly. Missed a bit of sleep, sacking out at 11:30 pm and waking 10 mins before our alarm at 6:00 but we have been getting a mandatory 8 hours and are well rested. The hotel … Continue reading
Scuba Diving, Day one on the MV Orion
Dive day number one. We lay in bed before the 6 am wake-up call murmuring about the thoughts that have popped into our heads during the night. Is this water less salty than the Caribbean? Let’s descend very close together … Continue reading
Sharks in the Maldives
Sharks! Last night we were told sharks were on the agenda for this morning. There is a channel nearby that has 40 resident sharks and that is where we head at 6:30am. The current is from the center of the … Continue reading
South Ari Atoll, Maldives
Every dive here is a little different and noticeably so. Most places have different sites and the focus is different at each one but generally the landscape is similar. Here the landscape at every site is quite distinct. Yesterday we … Continue reading