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Category Archives: Denmark
Travel Mode
Murray and I have a verbal cue when we usually get to the first boarding gate as we embark on a long trip. It is “Travel Mode”, which means relax, we can handle anything that is thrown at us, go … Continue reading
On the Road to Tonder
‘tun der’ or something close to that. We have asked several people how Tonder is pronounced and each person approaches it a little different. The one thing they all agree on is the ‘o’ is more or less a ‘u’ … Continue reading
On the Road to Tonder Day 2
Murray is up early but I sleep until the alarm goes off at 7:00. I am still adjusting to this time zone and am spending a few hours awake in the middle of the night. We eat breakfast, pack up … Continue reading
Posted in Denmark
Tagged Cycle touring, Denmark, Maribo, Nakskov, Tonder Music Festival
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On the Road to Tonder Day 3
The first two days we spent traversing the islands of Falster and Lolland. Both these islands are similar to home in many ways. Denmark is about the same latitude as Edmonton so the climate should be similar as well. The … Continue reading
On the Road to Tonder-what day is it?
I am sitting on the bed in the Sonderborg City Danhostel eating licorice and wishing for bedtime. Yeah, I’m pooped, again. Murray indulges in an island delicacy this morning at breakfast in our hotel. Aero pandekager. He says it is … Continue reading
Posted in Denmark
Tagged Aero, Cycle touring, Denmark, Marstal, Sonderborg, Tonder Music Festival
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On The Road Into Tonder
Today we stand in the main square in Tonder. Rise early, on the road at 8.09am and ride into Tonder before 1pm. No gravel today but most of the ride was on highway with no bike road and a shoulder … Continue reading
Posted in Denmark
Tagged Cycle touring, Denmark, Sonderborg, Tonder, Tonder Music Festival
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Tonder Music Festival
The festival gates open at noon today and when we walk through them at about 12:15, there is no line, no rush, just relaxed folks strolling around, sitting, eating and drinking beer. Lots of beer. The site is huge. There … Continue reading
Tonder Music
It’s 10am, time to leave and it is pouring. Seems outdoor festivals and rain go hand in hand. Funny but between the time we leave the room and the time we get downstairs to the door the rain stops. Could … Continue reading
Tonder Magic
There are seats at most of the venues but not too many and the rush to get one can be intense. There is no reserve seating. No tarps to stake your land. After every artist, the venue is cleared and … Continue reading
Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Tonder Finale
We arrive at Tent 2 with plenty of time to spare. Basically we are the first in the queue. Marie Boine is on our A list and she plays first on Sunday morning. There are maybe 10 people milling about … Continue reading