Category Archives: Bonaire

Travel Budgets

The budget template that we use is now a page under the Packing Lists menu item.  This budget helps us determine how much money (cash, travelers cheques etc) we will need once we leave home.  It usually does not include … Continue reading

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Dive Navigation Tune Up

Our Dive Navigation booklet was sitting on the coffee table, so I picked it up and started to read.  Glad I did! We will be shore diving on Bonaire, which means diving on our own with no local dive master … Continue reading

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Trip Expectations

Murray always cautions me not to get too excited before we leave on a trip and not to raise the expectations of a trip too high.  Why? If expectations are raised too high, and we have preconceived notions on how … Continue reading

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Bonaire Day 1

It’s the Caribbean. Everything takes time here. We thought we could do so much today and everything ended up being a rush. Arrive 5am just as planned. J&A are supposed to show up at the Carib Inn at 9am, we … Continue reading

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Bonaire B’s Birthday Day

It’s a special day today as it’s B’s birthday.  B, J, S, and R are off to start their open water certification at Tropical Divers.  J&A, Murray and I are off on a morning boat dive and A has tagged … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me! Day 3. The day starts with a boat dive. Surprise , surprise! Debbie and I got up and ate, gear to the dock and into the boat. We have decided to do one boat dive a … Continue reading

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New Certified Divers

R, J, B, and S graduated today. A big moment. The apprehension is still there, but they do feel that they can dive with us. They do not understand that we can dive together and each of us can enjoy … Continue reading

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Shore dive all around

The new crew didn’t want of venture too far outside their comfort zone so Debbie and I chose to forgo our morning boat dive and start out on the shore. J and S had trouble clearing there ears and decided … Continue reading

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Bonaire Day ?;Can’t remember what day it is

The date, the day of the week and the number of days we’ve been here are all a blur. That’s cool though. We don’t really have to know. Our tasks are about the same every day, get up, dive, eat. … Continue reading

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Murray writes a blog post, Debbie falls asleep

Our typical day……… alarm goes off eat breakfast post last night’s blog post haul dive gear to the boat dock load dive gear onto boat dive unload dive gear from boat haul dive gear to truck load zone wait for … Continue reading

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