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Tag Archives: Santa Clara
Final Thoughts on Cuba
Final thoughts on our Cuban experience. The people make a country and the people here in Cuban are friendly, smiling and helpful. They are very willing to teach a couple of Canadians abit of Spanish or direct them to the … Continue reading
Trinidad, Cuba
There are dogs in Cuba. Street dogs, not many but a few feral animals that scrounge food from the few scrapes that are about. And they are very strange looking dogs. Small, short legs, and long bodies. It looks like … Continue reading
Excitement on the National Road
Today started out with Debbie explaining to me that the pineapples here are small and the meat is white rather than the golden colour we are used to. Yesterday the other fruit fact I learned is, in Cuba, papaya is … Continue reading
Murray’s Two Bits……
Ship ahoy. We are on the boat. Most guests came from Havana and a 7-hour bus ride. It is worthwhile doing some research and finding out there is an international airport in Santa Clara. We had a 2.5-hour taxi ride … Continue reading
Santa Clara to Jucaro Port
We have a stressful morning in Santa Clara. Our 11:00 am bus pickup at the Santa Clara Libre Hotel wasn’t happening at 11:00, or 11:10 or 11:15. Murray takes the phone numbers we have for the Avalon and trots back … Continue reading
First Day in Santa Clara, Cuba
One of the first things I notice as we walk through Santa Clara is that everyone is wearing a mask. A COVID mask that is. Everyone. And we are outside headed towards the central plaza. No one seems to be … Continue reading
Cuba Bound
We are off on our trip to Cuba to go scuba diving that got rescheduled from the spring of 2020. The flight from Edmonton to Toronto was uneventful. Overnighted in Toronto at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Terminal 3. Staying … Continue reading