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Tag Archives: Trinidad
Final Thoughts on Cuba
Final thoughts on our Cuban experience. The people make a country and the people here in Cuban are friendly, smiling and helpful. They are very willing to teach a couple of Canadians abit of Spanish or direct them to the … Continue reading
Day Two in Trinidad
Breakfast is at 8:00 this morning and the ladies have prepared a feast for us. For Murray, they bring out a ham and melted cheese sandwich, an omelette, a small loaf of bread, mango marmalade and tea. For me, they … Continue reading
Trinidad, Cuba
There are dogs in Cuba. Street dogs, not many but a few feral animals that scrounge food from the few scrapes that are about. And they are very strange looking dogs. Small, short legs, and long bodies. It looks like … Continue reading
Off to Trinidad, Cuba
Trinidad, Cuba is our destination today. Omelio, the owner of Casa Mercy Hostal in Santa Clara has arranged a taxi to take us there. An 85 km journey for $50USD, and fortunately not down the National Highway. It takes about … Continue reading