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February 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tags
- Alberta
- Australia
- backcountry skiing
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- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bonaire
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- Canadian Rocky Mountains
- carry on luggage
- Cozumel
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- edmonton
- Egypt
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- Myanmar
- Namibia
- packing
- packing lists
- Philippines
- Rocky Mountains
- scuba
- scuba diving
- scuba diving gear
- shore diving
- Tanzania
- Tour of Alberta
- travel
- travel planning
- trip planning
- Utila, Honduras
- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: edmonton
Up Close and Personal
Yesterday we were tourists at home. Staying at our house are two folks from Devonshire, GB. A arrived a few weeks ago and N arrived a couple of days ago. We have been busy trying to see a few things … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta 2016 Stage 5
Today’s the final stage of the Tour of Alberta and it is a circuit race through downtown Edmonton and its river valley. The event is about the riders and the race but it also it about meeting friends and fellow riders, swimmers, triathletes … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta 2016 Time Trial
Our day starts with the ITU Elite Women’s Triathlon down at Hawrelak Park in Edmonton, followed by the Elite Men’s Triathlon and then the Tour of Alberta Stage 4 Time Trial. The wind is chilly, the sky grey. Even though … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta 2014 Edmonton
Today is the big Edmonton circuit for the Tour of Alberta. Two times in and out of our river valley. 11 laps of an 11 km route. We are pumped. Regardless of the light rain we expect the turnout here … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta 2014 Edmonton to Sherwood Park – Rally Car Driving
I feel like a rally car driver. I am in a line of five cars all driving 85 kph down TWP 510 towards Hwy 21. We are all of the same mind. Get to the finish line before the racers. … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta 2014 Wetaskiwin to Edmonton – We Are Getting the Hang of This
We are back in Edmonton. Sleeping in our own bed and partially into our regular routine, with one addition, the Tour of Alberta. Our plan for viewing the race today takes precision timing. We figure we should catch the feed … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta – Prologue
We have just returned from a fabulous time on Fortway Drive underneath the High Level Bridge, in Edmonton, watching the Prologue of the Tour of Alberta. We arrive early and scope out the best spot on the hill for photographs. … Continue reading
Tour of Alberta – Edmonton
Tomorrow is going to be a stupendous day in Edmonton! Why? Because the Tour of Alberta begins its journey around our gorgeous province. The Tour of Alberta has been a dream of Alex Steida’s, the first North American to wear … Continue reading
Scuba Diving in the Pool
I bought my first BCD and set of regulators in the fall. Although we tested the regs in the shop, I would feel better if I tested all the new gear in the water before going on a dive trip. … Continue reading
Alpine Skiing in Edmonton
Murray is an avid alpine skier. Always has been, always will be. He goes backcountry skiing in the mountains and loves it. He comes home from these ski adventures smiling, pumped and with incredible pictures. I have decided that I … Continue reading