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Tag Archives: Botswana
November 23
Today we witness a very sad sight. We approach a waterhole to watch a herd of elephants drink. Not more than three meters from where we stop the truck an adult female elephant has collapsed and cannot get up. She … Continue reading
Cats and Birds and Mongooses!
The morning glow is faint and “Good Morning” originates from just outside our door. New system. Early morning game drives, afternoon siesta in the heat, and evening game drives. Meals before, between and after. Sleep when appropriate. No animals passed … Continue reading
Kasane to Savuti
We meet Pat at breakfast and we all realize that he has been staying at the Old House, in Kasane, for the last two nights just as we have been. After breakfast and checking out, we all hop in the … Continue reading
Kasane, Botswana or Close Encounters of the Warthog Kind
We have a day in Kasane so we head out for a walk to see the town. The first thing we notice is how HOT it is. It is only about 8:30 and it is already searing. We wander the … Continue reading
Dar es Salaam to Kasane
Up at 3:53 (overslept) and out the door at 4:00 to catch our flight from Dar es Salaam to Johannesburg. I have seen a few sunrises in my day. When I was younger they were usually from the day before … Continue reading
Travel Adapters for Electrical Outlets
We got stung when we went to India and Bhutan because we didn’t thoroughly check what type of electrical outlet adapters we needed. We did have fun shopping for an adapter in Darjeeling and it all worked out in the … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged Botswana, Tanzania, Travel Adapters
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Today is the Day. I Hope.
When we drop out of house renovation mode and back into day to day mode we realize we have not touched our African travel plans in 2 months and the time is neigh to pay the balance on the safaris. … Continue reading
The Africa Trip’s “Do List”
I suddenly realize that it is only three months until we leave on our Africa trip, so in between watching Olympics, I sort through our Africa file and make a list of major items we haven’t done for our trip. … Continue reading