Dar es Salaam to Kasane

Up at 3:53 (overslept) and out the door at 4:00 to catch our flight from Dar es Salaam to Johannesburg.

I have seen a few sunrises in my day. When I was younger they were usually from the day before end, lately I have seen more from the get up early end. Some of them especially from an airplane have been worth staring at but today sitting in the Dar airport I looked out the window and saw the ball of the sun sliding up over the horizon there is a few thin clouds and mist at ground level and you could look right at the sun. I have seen sunsets like this before but never a sunrise.

Three and a half hours in the airport and we are flying over the city which extends as far as we can see in all directions. OR Tembo Airport is modern and large. We maneuver the corridors and find our gate. The Air Botswana flight to Kasane is delayed about 1 hour due to mechanical issues. We board a small prop and are on our way to our next adventure

As we prepare to land there is a herd of elephants wandering below us. Only been in Africa a couple of weeks and already we are wildlife spotters. The plane lands on its right wheels and flops down to even out, the second shaky landing in a day, must be co-pilots practice day on the tarmac or something.

Arrive in Kasane (ka-sa-nee) to 34 C. Matthew, the Assistant Manager of The Old House, meets us at the airport. A nice surprise as I thought we were getting to the hotel on our own. He makes a stop in town so we can change some $$ into Botswana Pula.

The Old House

The Old House

The Old House is a charming hotel complete with Momma Warthog and Babies in the yard. (Wild animals roam freely in the town. GULP!) I love our room which has a painting of an elephant on the headboard. And it has A/C!!!

Tomorrow we will explore Kasane and hopefully buy me a new watch as mine died the other night and I absolutely cannot travel without a watch. I am driving Murray crazy asking him what time it is.

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