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- Utila, Honduras
- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: Australia
Staying Awake in Brisbane
After an eternity of about 13 hours flying from Vancouver to Brisbane, we disembark the plane at 7:00 am local time, cruise through immigration, baggage collection and customs, dump our bags at the Ibis Brisbane Airport Hotel and ride the … Continue reading
Gold Coast
It’s my last few days on the Gold Coast visiting my son, daughter-in-law and new grandchild. I’ve not done too much touristing but have done a zillion loads of laundry, washed a millions baby bottles, cooked umpteen suppers and got … Continue reading
Gold Coast Waterways
If you go into Google Maps and look at the Gold Coast in detail, you will see the area has waterways throughout. According to the City of Gold Coast website there are more than 400 kms of canals and 135 … Continue reading
Hinze Dam
Today the three adults and one mini person hop in the car and drive about 30 minutes to the Hinze Dam, built across the Nerang River. The dam was built in 1976 and upgraded in 1989 and again in 2011. … Continue reading
Gold Coast Botanical Gardens in Benowa
The Gold Coast has a botanical garden in Benowa, about a 20 minute drive from my son and daughter-in-law’s house. The gardens have maybe 5 kms of walking trails, both paved and gravel. The trees are mature and well cared … Continue reading
Life with Baby
Our lives revolve around the schedule of an almost 5 month old. Wake up, play, eat, play, sleep, repeat. Oh, and throw in abit of crying too to keep the adults hopping. I might be on the Gold Coast, but … Continue reading
Gold Coast
There is something I find fascinating about the Gold Coast. Just a 15 minute drive takes us to the beach. It’s late afternoon, windy and chilly, but there are many folks out walking the promenade by the beach. It’s part … Continue reading
Cell Phones and Travelling
I hum and haw about taking my cell phone with me to Australia. Since I am visiting family, I don’t really need a phone. Who am I am going to call? The only reason to take one is to communicate … Continue reading
A Solo Adventure Approaches
The excitement is growing! You see, my first grandchild was born in Australia just before Christmas and I am going to meet her next week! I am going by myself, which is kinda weird. I have travelled alone for business … Continue reading
Posted in Australia, Planning and Packing
Tagged Australia, Gold Coast, packing, trip planning
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Indonesia and Australia 2022 Photos are Posted!
I have finally posted photos into the blog from our journey to Indonesia and Australia this past September and October. To view photos, hover over “Photos” until the drop down menu appears. The photos are under the “Asia” subheading. Hover … Continue reading