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Tag Archives: Alberta
Traveling north of Edmonton earlier this year there were signs of the endemic giant land beaver. A species not well known but definitely one people should spend the time to find out about. It is much larger than its cousin … Continue reading
Big Knife Provincial Park
It is good to get away from the day to day routine even when you’re retired and don’t really have the pressure of a ‘job’. We thought we could sneak in a couple of days of kayaking and went camping. … Continue reading
Posted in Western Canada
Tagged Alberta, Big Knife, Big Knife Provincial Park, camping
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Camping and Kayaking in Southern Alberta
We spent the last week camping in southern Alberta. This time, as most times camping, we had no access to internet. So this is a postscript to the trip. We headed to the far south of Alberta, the destination is … Continue reading
Lower Kananaskis Lake
Kayaking the Lower Kananaskis Lake, Alberta. Continue reading
Posted in Western Canada
Tagged Alberta, Kananaskis, Lower Kananaskis Lake, Peter Lougheed ProvincialPark
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Kayaking in the Mountains
Kayaking the Upper Kananaksis Lake. Continue reading
Posted in Western Canada
Tagged Alberta, Kananaskis, Peter Lougheed ProvincialPark, Upper Kananaskis Lake
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Kayaking Devon, Alberta to Laurier Heights in Edmonton, Alberta
Kayaking the North Saskatchewan River from Devon, Alberta to Laurier Heights in Edmonton. Continue reading
Posted in Western Canada
Tagged Alberta, Devon, edmonton, kayaking, North Saskatchewan River
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The North Saskatchewan River Through Edmonton, Alberta
Kayaking the North Saskatchewan River through Edmonton, Alberta. Continue reading
Posted in Western Canada
Tagged Alberta, edmonton, kayaking, North Saskatchewan River
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Coyote Pups, Pelicans and Two 50 km Rides
Yesterday, after our walk in Dinosaur Provincial Park, we drove into Brooks to buy gas. On the way I spied three puppies in a field. Mur braked, turned the SUV around and we had a closer look. They were coyote … Continue reading
Campground cleared out today. By the time we got out of the tent at 7am 1/2 of last nights guests had packed and left. By noon we were the only ones in our end. Seems like Wednesday is the crossover … Continue reading
Local Camping Trip
When we can avoid Hwy 2 to get to where we want to go, we do. There are several roads that go south to Dinosaur Provincial Park, our destination for a few days. We have traversed Hwy 21 quite a … Continue reading