The Remaining Stuff

I have gone through the packing of clothes, dive gear, First Aid Kit, toiletries and the liquids bags. This last post is about all those other items that we take with us. Once again, the general list is reviewed and the items we do not think we need are crossed off. Here is a list of the remaining items that are coming with us to San Salvador, Bahamas for our scuba diving trip.

Other Stuff

  • Watch/Alarm
  • eReader/Power Cord
  • Camera
  • Camera Batteries/Charger
  • Clothesline
  • Tri-pack
  • Duct Tape
  • Eyeglass Leash
  • Flashlight
  • Glasses / Prescription
  • Green Garbage Bags
  • Inflatable Pillow
  • iPad/Power Cable/SD card Reader/Headphones
  • Kitchen Catcher Bags
  • Kleenex Package
  • Laundry Soap (liquids bag)
  • Large Envelopes
  • Luggage Tags
  • Moneybelt
  • Necksafe
  • Pens
  • Pocket Notebook
  • Sink Stopper
  • Sleep Mask
  • Snacks
  • Sunglasses
  • Wallet
  • Water Bottle
  • Wrist Bands for Flying
  • Ziploc Bags

Sounds like alot of stuff. All the bags and envelopes travel in a large ziploc so are well contained. The bags are manly for situations where a suitcase explodes or items are wet and need to be separated. The envelopes are for tipping and for using at safety deposit boxes that are not located in our room.

Many of these items above are small (pens, snacks etc) so do not take much room in a backpack. We carry our clothesline in an old pill bottle with a length of duct tape wrapped around the outside of the bottle. We always carry flashlights for emergency use and for night time wandering where there are no streetlights.

The last section is the Important Travel Documents – stuff in the wallet, necksafe, moneybelt and file folder.

Important Travel Documents

  • Aeroplan Card
  • Alberta Health Care Card
  • AMA Card (needed for hotel reservation in Nassau)
  • Blog Business Cards
  • Canadian Cash/Coins for phone calls
  • Copies of Flights/Hotel Reservations
  • Copies of Passport & Birth Certificate
  • Credit Cards
  • Driver’s License
  • IAMAT Card
  • Information/Maps on Destinations
  • Passport
  • Personal Cheque (for emergency)
  • Travel/Medical Insurance Card

We always take paper copies of flights and hotel reservations, including the page that shows we have paid for the flight or hotel. We were so thankful we had this copy in Dar es Salaam when our names did not show up on the flight roster for our Dar es Salaam to London flight. We had proof that we bought tickets for the flight so the agent believed us and was able to locate us in his booking system. You may carry electronic versions of these, but just make sure you do not need internet service to access them.

We each take copies of both passports and birth certificates and hide them in our luggage somewhere. If a passport, or two, were to go missing, then we have proof of their existence.

I carry a few quarters with me if I do not have my cell phone, which is most of the time. This is to contact our pickup person at the airport when we arrive.

That is it for packing for San Salvador. The lists make it seem like we are taking alot of stuff, but when it all gets packed into two small carry on bags and backpacks, it isn’t that much.

Bon voyage! and see you on the other side!

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