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Tag Archives: scuba diving andaman islands
It’s snowing and we are packing
It’s snowing here. Murray shovels 4 times in 2 days. Okay, enough. Time to dream about the 25 C weather in Cozumel and start packing. We find the packing list buried under the piles in the library and pull out … Continue reading
Packing for Utila
We spend many hours today packing for Utila. We had slowly piled wetsuits, fins, camera gear, clothes, toiletries and other stuff in the living room and today we pack it all into our carry-on bags and collect the missing items. … Continue reading
More Diving and India
Hard dives today, this is no place for the faint of heart. The swells are big and sometimes the currents are strong. The surface, getting in and out, is very difficult. Once under the water, it is somewhat easier. Still … Continue reading
Cough, Choke, Gag and More Fish
Another day on the dongee and with the amount of diesel we are inhaling we might as well be breathing Kolkata air. This end of India is pretty much unpolluted but we have found a way to maintain our carbon … Continue reading
Dongee.It is the water craft that we are riding in towards our first dive site. It is not for the faint of heart! Andaman Bubbles is so far a good operation. The only slightly sketchy aspect is the boat. It … Continue reading
Here fishie fishie fishie
We woke up to a thunderous rain storm. The tin roof on our Bamboo Cabin didn’t help either. The thunder seemed to roll across the water forever. mmmm Is diving on or off today? Turns out, it was on. Off … Continue reading