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Tag Archives: New Mexico
Photos of Arizona, Utah, Colorado & New Mexico
Photos of our trip to Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico are posted! Hover over the “Photos” item in the main menu bar. Then move the cursor over the title for Arizona etc and click. Then click on the first photo … Continue reading
On the Road
The American Automobile Association map we picked up before we left on our trip to Arizona had small green dots aligning some of the highways that were more or less in our line of travel. Upon inspection of the map’s … Continue reading
Route 66
Today is a travel day. We could drive straight from Santa Fe to Phoenix in about 7 or 8 hours, but we have decided to split the drive in two pieces. Hence, here we sit in Holbrook, Arizona, right on … Continue reading
Santa Fe, New Mexico
After a short two hour drive over the scenic route called “The High Road to Taos”, we arrive in Santa Fe ready to explore the city. First impressions of the city (approx. population is 60,000) indicate it would be comfortable … Continue reading
Two Nights in the Same Place?
Today’s a day in Taos. Why Taos? Well, it’s a ski town. Always been on a list for that, but to make it worth while for skiing we should visit in the winter. And. It’s a place used frequently on … Continue reading
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
The tourist goal for today is Mesa Verde National Park. Inside the park are the cliff dwellings of the Ancestral Pueblo people. We take a tour of the Cliff Palace, which was home to an estimated 90 people. They farmed … Continue reading