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- Utila, Honduras
- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: mistaya
The Wind Scours
Off to the Whaleback. A place we have never skied before. But it looked good from across the valley so we are going to give it a try. It is an easy trek to get to the bottom and not too … Continue reading
It’s Sunny!
Our third day, Debbie stays at the lodge to rest. Six of us head up the hill. Same slope as the last two days, Heather Ridge. We might as well trash it. We know it is safe and we thought … Continue reading
A Typical Day at Mistaya Lodge
Some folks are early risers, some late. The early risers congregate downstairs by the fire, the warmest spot in the lodge in the mornings. Yoga, meditation, reading, waking up. We are a self catered group, which means we have brought … Continue reading
Mistaya Lodge – Heli Day
Lousy sleep, don’t know why. I’m not the only one. At least 1/2 of us slept bad??? We woke to find L, daughter of J & C, was taken to the local hospital at about 4am with a pain in … Continue reading