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Tag Archives: Kyoto
Singapore, Indonesia and Japan Photos
I have finally posted photos of our travels through Singapore, Indonesia and Japan in the fall of 2019. To view photos, hover over “Photos” until the drop down menu appears. All three destinations are are under the “Asia” subheading. Hover … Continue reading
Japan’s Resorts, Hotel, Capsules and Hostels
When we started planning this trip with R & L we were advised by a tour guide living in Kyoto that we would be in Japan near the busy season and should book all our accommodation in advance. At one … Continue reading
Toilets Again?
Toilet installment number 5 (maybe). I have seen this several times but it just dawned on me today that I have not mentioned it. On some toilets the lid of the tank is a basin. The fill water tube is … Continue reading
Random Japan
Last day in Kyoto and the weather is stunning. Sunshine, 20Cish and no wind. Great for a walk in the city. Today is a day for shopping. Any touristy sites are an adjunct. I remember using cash in Canada. Now … Continue reading
Zen Gardens, the Philosopher’s Path and a Geisha
Ginkakuji Temple is our first stop today. It is a popular one, so we get on the road, bus actually, early to beat the tour buses. The temple is known for its gardens, and it does not disappoint. It is … Continue reading
Best Flea Market Ever
On the 21st of every month there is a ‘flea market’ held on the grounds of the Toji temple in Koyto. Last night talking over our game plan for today we thought we might drop in. It took a train … Continue reading
Tottori to Osaka to Kyoto
Toilet instalment #4. As our journey progresses we run into more and more ‘electric’ toilets. The latest gadget I discover is a button on the console that flushes the toilet. Had to figure it out because the toilet had no … Continue reading