Zen Gardens, the Philosopher’s Path and a Geisha

Ginkakuji Temple is our first stop today. It is a popular one, so we get on the road, bus actually, early to beat the tour buses. The temple is known for its gardens, and it does not disappoint.

Ginkakuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Ginkakuji Temple Gardens

It is very serene strolling through the grounds on gravel and stone pathways. The leaves are slowly nearing that time when they explode to red. We see hints of red on a few trees. The number of shades of green is mind numbing.

Ginkakuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Ginkakuji Temple

As we walk out of the temple grounds and down the street we see that the tour buses have vomited their passengers out and they are making their way up to the temple. We timed our visit perfectly!

The Philosopher’s Path is a stone path beside a small canal that the famous philosopher, Nishida Kitaro, used to walk on his way to Kyoto University. The path is quiet, with not many tourists and only a few locals enjoying the peaceful stroll. There are ducks on the canal that amuse us as we pass.

The Philosopher’s Path, Kyoto, Japan
The Philosopher’s Path

Tonight we go in search of geisha. It is like scuba diving and trying to find a Pygmy Seahorse. We have an idea where to go to find the elusive geisha/seahorse and when we get to the area it is teaming with tourists with the same idea. But we use our smarts, knowledge and tactical abilities (luck) and cross paths down a quiet lane with two fashionably dressed women, one in white face makeup, the elusive geisha! We congratulate ourselves for the great find and go off to find supper of tempura prawns and soba noodle soup.

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