Dive Dive Dive

We have sorted out our equipment challenges and it is peace and tranquility under the waves. The “Snail Team” made up of S, K, V, P, Murray and me plus B, dive master extraordinaire, inch along peering under ledges, inside tube corals, into the deep blue, taking photos.

Virgin Gorda


We hover beside our favorites taking yet another picture.

Virgin Gorda

Giant Anemone

We wait patiently for miniscule spotted decorator shrimp to peak out of anemones.

Virgin Gorda

Brittle Star inside a Sponge

We peer down tube sponges to discover brittle stars attached to the inside.

Virgin Gorda

Spotted Moray

We float above a spotted moray with its mouth open to breath.

Virgin Gorda

Flamingo Tongues

We marvel at porcelain like flamingo tongues holding tightly to fan corals and a shark as it cruises by causing great excitement in the Snail Team. .

Virgin Gorda

Caribbean Reef Shark

We have three more dive days to peak into holes, drift past coral heads and commiserate with the fish.

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