2 weeks to Bonaire

We are two weeks out! Today I sat on the living room floor and checked my camera, batteries, waterproof housing and strobe flash to make sure they all work.  I took out the seal on the housing, cleaned it, re greased it and then put it back in. I have been recharging batteries for the last couple of days. I put the camera into the housing, connected the flash and made sure the flash flashed.  Everything looks good and is now in the pile of stuff to pack.

I also checked out our dive computers.  Had to remember which button to push to turn them on! They work and the batteries are good. They are now in the pile too.

Murray glued the heel of one of his dive booties while I read the dive book on navigation as a refresher.

I made business cards today with our blog URL on them.  We have given the website name to a few people and thought it would be a good idea to have cards.  We bought Avery Glossy Photo Quality Business Cards. I used a program right off the Avery website to design the cards and print them.  They look pretty good!

We are starting to talk about things we have to do before we leave – cancel newspaper, backup computer and stuff like that.   I will do another post on the “Things to do before you leave” list, which is the last list for this trip.

We are having a “Bonairian” get together tomorrow night with the group of friends going to Bonaire.  Everyone is pretty stoked, as A would say. No doubt we will talk about diving and packing and the heat and the ocean and the sand and how much we all are looking forward to the trip.

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