Utila Update

Some trips are very easy to plan and book, whereas others, take a lot of time and effort.  We are traveling to Utila, Honduras in February, 2012 – yes we plan that far into the future!  This trip is a very good example of a trip that takes very little planning. Basically, someone else did all the hard work for us!

About a month ago, our scuba diving friends in New York emailed us asking if we wanted to join them in Utila in February.  We discussed it, looked at the website of the dive resort they had picked out and emailed them back saying that we couldn’t make a commitment just yet as we were in the midst of trying to plan an October trip and we hadn’t even gone on this year’s scuba diving trip (but I get ahead of myself).

Then about a week ago, P emailed back to say that six were going from New York and if we came along, we might get a 10% discount, would we be interested?  Murray and I talked about the trip from every angle, searched the website of the small resort again, discussed our other holiday plans for the year and then said, “What the heck, let’s go!”  Not much planning need there!

We emailed P and told her we would go.  P booked us in and we got the deposit paid and are now awaiting the final cost.  We are researching flights at this time and will book those soon.

This is a very easy trip to book and plan………unlike our October trip…….

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