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Category Archives: Solomon Islands
Heading East
East is where home is and home is where we are headed. Still we have a few more days planned as stopovers to break up the long flight. Honiara is stop one. We only spent a day here on the … Continue reading
Last Thoughts
Just wanted to bring up how much Debbie has changed over the years. So we sit down at a table to order dinner. Just as we sit Debbie starts brushing the top of her back as if a fly is … Continue reading
Missed Items from the Solomons
As we sat on board the Dash 8 domestic flight from Munda back to Honiara I noted that all the signage on board was in two different languages. English and Greek. Must mean Solomon Airlines has purchase a used plane … Continue reading
Fiji and Solomon Islands Photos are Posted!
Surprise! I have finally loaded photos of Fiji and Solomon Islands into the blog. To view photos, hover over “Photos”, in the main menu bar, until the drop down menu appears. Click on “Fiji 2018” and then “Solomon Islands” in … Continue reading
Posted in Fiji, Solomon Islands
Tagged Bilikiki, Fiji, Munda, Nadi, Paradise, Solomon Islands, Taveuni, Volivoli, Volivoli Tavenue
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