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Tag Archives: Bilikiki
Fiji and Solomon Islands Photos are Posted!
Surprise! I have finally loaded photos of Fiji and Solomon Islands into the blog. To view photos, hover over “Photos”, in the main menu bar, until the drop down menu appears. Click on “Fiji 2018” and then “Solomon Islands” in … Continue reading
Posted in Fiji, Solomon Islands
Tagged Bilikiki, Fiji, Munda, Nadi, Paradise, Solomon Islands, Taveuni, Volivoli, Volivoli Tavenue
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Missed Items from the Solomons
As we sat on board the Dash 8 domestic flight from Munda back to Honiara I noted that all the signage on board was in two different languages. English and Greek. Must mean Solomon Airlines has purchase a used plane … Continue reading
Bilikiki – Part 2
May 16 The diving here is good, real good but not to our expectations. It is hard to come to a place like this with absolutely no preconceived notions, even though we try. I expected the stuff we see here … Continue reading
Solomon Island Villagers
During our cruise around the Solomon on Islands on the Bilikiki, we encounter many of the local people. Every time we moor in a quiet bay near an island, villagers paddle out in their hand made canoes to sell pineapples, … Continue reading
Bilikiki – Part 1
First day full tilt diving on the Bilikiki. Similar routine as other boats. Get up eat, dive, snack, dive, lunch, dive, snack dive, dinner, dive if you want to night dive, do our log books and blog if not, sleep… … Continue reading
A Shift in Position
There has been a shift in position. When Murray and I first learned to scuba dive, we both used 80 cu ft tanks. Being new divers we used tons of air due to being overweighted, kicking too much and a … Continue reading
Diving by the Numbers
When we arrive in the Solomon’s, Murray has 13 more dives than me. Yeah, it’s not a competition, but geez, he’s ahead of me! He mostly got ahead doing night dives that I did not want to do and the … Continue reading