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Category Archives: Travels
More Egypt Bits
There are two types of relief used on the temple walls. High relief, where the background is flat figures and objects are raised. Deep cut, or low, relief is where the figures and objects are cut into the stone and … Continue reading
Egypt Bits
The biggest insect caution we got when coming to Egypt was mosquitoes. I haven’t seen one in over a week here. What drives me crazy are the flies. They are incessant. They fly at your face, nose, ears, and mouth. … Continue reading
The Nile
The first day of our Nile tour we meet our tour mates – our two Sherwood Park friends, three folks from the US and four from the UK. All lovely people and the group gets along very well. And then … Continue reading
Egypt Rant
A good portion of the last two days in Cairo have been spent on the road. I could not help but notice that driving in Cairo is chaos. But like all cities in the world where driving follows a very … Continue reading
Cairo, the Pyramids
Today is dedicated to the pyramids near Cairo. It’s 8:00 am and we are at the pyramids in Giza. I have wanted to see the pyramids in person for a long time and now we are standing, staring at them. … Continue reading
Cairo, Day One
The first thing we notice about Cairo is the traffic. Horrendous, through Canadian eyes! The volume of vehicles is mind boggling, the drivers squeeze through holes, make room for others and get to where they are going. Lots of beeping … Continue reading
Namibia Wrap Up
Debbie Writes: Waterhole dynamics. It seems there is a pecking order at waterholes. If a hyena is soaking in the shallows, other animals won’t come down to the water. At another waterhole, in the evening, a group of female elephants … Continue reading
Namibia Olio
I am sitting on the covered deck of our “room” at the Okonjima Bush Camp. I see a springbok out in the field in front of me and there is no fence, nothing, between him and me. A weird feeling. … Continue reading
Never stick to the agenda outlined by the tour company that booked your accommodation. Debbie had the idea she wanted some fabric from Namibia. We lug home fabric from a lot of the countries we visit. The colours and patterns … Continue reading
Rhino Patrol
We are on white rhino patrol today. But before we start in earnest, we see a clump of vehicles on the road. Drive up and see that two lions, a male and a female, are resting right beside the road. … Continue reading