Category Archives: Egypt

Cairo, Day One

The first thing we notice about Cairo is the traffic. Horrendous, through Canadian eyes! The volume of vehicles is mind boggling, the drivers squeeze through holes, make room for others and get to where they are going. Lots of beeping … Continue reading

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Travel Mode

Murray and I have a saying and it is “Travel Mode”. We tell each other this during a trip, especially at the start of a long trip. It means we can handle anything that happens, we can deal with it … Continue reading

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The Ethics of Travel, part two

Below is the second half of Murray’s post from 2012. In 2001 the United Nations adopted a resolution drafted by the World Tourist Organization entitled ‘The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism’.  It outlines 10 points that, if implemented, will … Continue reading

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Murray’s Africa Packing

I had a special request from an over packer to put my packing list in the blog. I stopped packing my rubber boots in case it rained in 1988. They sit in the basement pining to leave the continent on … Continue reading

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Packing – Notes for our Africa Trip

I discussed the clothes I am taking to Africa, but I haven’t mentioned any of the miscellaneous stuff one has to take. Here are a few random thoughts. Murray and I each have a soft sided carry on bag for … Continue reading

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The Ethics of Travel, revisited

Murray originally posted this in 2012 and we thought it was appropriate to revisit it as we are headed to areas very different than where we live. Several years ago Dive Training Magazine (July 1999) published Ten Guidelines for Travelers. … Continue reading

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Debbie’s Clothing List

We are travelling very light for this trip and I have spent much time pondering what clothing to take. We have a mixture of travel – safari, desert, city, tour group touring. My go to clothes are linen and merino … Continue reading

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