The Ethics of Travel, revisited

Murray originally posted this in 2012 and we thought it was appropriate to revisit it as we are headed to areas very different than where we live.

Several years ago Dive Training Magazine (July 1999) published Ten Guidelines for Travelers. The author is unknown. After I read them I passed them on to my traveling friends for perusal. I think they are great and read them from time to time to make sure that I am on track with the reasons for visiting other places.

1. Do not expect to find things to be like at home. You left home to find things different.

2. Do not take anything too seriously. A carefree mind is vital to a good vacation.

3. Do not let other travelers get on your nerves. You paid good money to enjoy yourself.

4. Do not forget: you are a representative of your country at all times.

5. Try not to worry, because he or she who worries will have no fun. Remember that few things in life are fatal.

6. Know where your passport is at all times because a traveler without a passport is traveler without a country.

7. As a stranger in a strange land, be prepared to do as its people do.

8. Do not judge all people of a country by the one person who has given you trouble.

9. Learn how to say thank you in the language of the country you’re visiting. A sincere thank you, along with a smile, doubles the value of any tip you may give.

10. Remember that you are a guest and those travelers who treat their host with respect will be treated likewise.

These are excellent guidelines and we will endeavor to be faithful to them.

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