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- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: West Coast Trail
West Coast Trail Photos
Good news! The photos of our backpacking adventure to the West Coast Trail are now posted! Click on “Photos” on the main menu bar. Scroll down until you find “West Coast Trail, BC 2013” and click on the words. Click … Continue reading
The West Coast Trail in Review
The West Coast Trail has been labelled by many to be one of the best, if not the BEST hike in the world. I do not have nearly enough expertise to pronounce such a statement, but it is quite an … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Monday & Tuesday, August 5 & 6, 2013 – Victoria to Edmonton
It is 6:09 am, we jump out of bed at Murray’s cousin’s place, load the car with the few items that aren’t in the car already, point the car east and even with a 20 minute drive to Sydney we … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Sunday, August 4, 2013 – Michigan Beach to Pachena Trailhead
C’est fini. The unusually high fibre diet and strange water finally catch up with me and my stomach rebels. A little worried that the morning’s events might repeat a good number of times on the trail today I skip breakfast … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Saturday, August 3, 2013 – Tsusiat Falls to Michigan Creek
The West Coast Trail is the penultimate journey and up to now we have only been rained on for maybe ½ an hour, but we have experienced a good amount of fog. These mist views have resulted in many missed … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Friday, August 2, 2013 – Cribbs Creek to Tsusiat Falls
Today is the long trek on the West Coast Trail. 17km if we go as far as outlined. There are a few camp spots along the way but no large campgrounds and no facilities at any of them. We are … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Thursday, August 1, 2013 – Walbran Creek to Cribbs Creek
Sand, 2 feet forward, 6 inches back, trudge, trudge, trudge. We have found walking in footprints makes the sand walking easier for the three followers so we walk in a line of four. Similar to when we ride, one person … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Wednesday, July 31, 2013 – Cullite Creek to Walbran Creek
Today’s the day we meet up with our friends. We are to be at the north side of the Cullite Creek cable car between 11 and noon. Breakfast and pack up are at a leisurely pace. Everyone else is gone … Continue reading
West Coast Trail Tuesday, July 30, 2013 – Camper Creek to Cullite Creek
We travel short today (only 4 km) so our friend’s R, J, S, and L can catch us. We started the West Coast Trail the day before them and will meet them tomorrow morning at the Cullite Creek cable car. … Continue reading
West Coast Trail – Monday, July 29, 2013 – Thrasher Cove to Camper Creek
The tides rule today’s hike on the West Coast Trail and low tide matches our goals to a tee. We have a very hard hike in the morning and should reach Owen Pt at noon when the tide is at … Continue reading