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Tag Archives: toiletries for carry on
Packing Miscellanea
Murray packed his clothes before I could take a photo or two. He has decided not to be extravagant and take extra clothes for Australia. (Although, we still have a few days before we leave so that may change.) So, … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing
Tagged Australia, carry on luggage, Indonesial, packing, toiletries for carry on
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Toiletries for San Salvador, Bahamas
Murray and I use the same list of toiletries for packing. It is always the same, no matter the trip we are taking – scuba diving or touring. We each have our own preferences and do carry our own stuff. … Continue reading
Shampoo Review
Debbie had mentioned that I am bald and shampoo may not be the biggest item of worry on the list of things we may have to eliminate from our l litre ziploc so we can board a plane in Kolkata … Continue reading
Toiletries List
One of the last lists is the Toiletries list, which is now on a page under the Packing List menu item. It is a pretty obvious list, but, again, the list is there so we are not trying to remember … Continue reading