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Tag Archives: Tanzania
These creatures are big suckers. Off in the distance they look like cattle but when the vehicle pulls up within 3M we have a real appreciation as to their size. We are told they can be down right ornery as … Continue reading
Animal Butts
We spend time watching animals walk away from us. Some animals are shy, some are tired of us watching them, some are just moving along. We take pictures anyway. Here is some of our butt collection. Zebra Butt … Continue reading
Kitanga and Kanga
Most ladies in Tanzania wear kangas or kitangas. These are large pieces of material that they wrap around themselves as skirts, shifts, shawls and head coverings. The patterns are wild and the colors are stunning. I notice them right away … Continue reading
AKA Gnu. They resemble a svelte American Bison. They each sport a beard and are slightly hunched back. Their rear hunches are lower than their shoulders. Wildebeest are the largest group of the four animals that participate in the semi-annual … Continue reading
Tembo in Sawhili. These giants are gentle beasts. We never tire of watching them. The females’ maternal instincts are evident every time we find a mother and her young one. Our Landcruiser passes between a female and her baby and … Continue reading
Budget Analysis (Warning: May put you to sleep!)
After paying for our safaris, flights and most of our hotels, we calculate how much cash we need to take with us to Africa. We create a fairly in-depth cash budget. It is an excel spreadsheet with each day we … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged Botswana, Tanzania, travel budget
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Must Haves for a Safari
Here are a few items that we think are essential to pack for a safari. Lens cover to protect against dust – If you have an SLR camera with a large, expensive lens, take some sort of lens cover to … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged Botswana, packing, safari, Tanzania
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Learning Swahili in Tanzania
When we travel to a far off country, we like to learn a handful of words in the local language. Saying phrases like “The check please” and “No thank you” can make a waitress beam or a hawker walk away. … Continue reading
Hippopotami live with a bad rap. They are quite docile and not overly aggressive. Things get ugly if you piss one off, like this fellow above, but if you don’t bother them, they lounge about in their pool like over … Continue reading
There is an abundance of Zebra everywhere we go. Unfortunately, they become a bit ho hum after a couple of days. Our guide says that most tourists get snooty about it and do not even stop to watch after the … Continue reading