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Tag Archives: Santa Cruz
Samaipata, Bolivia
We are a caravan of three 4wheel drive vehicles. Leaving Santa Cruz we drive south towards Samaipata. The speed limit is 70kph, and slower through the towns we encounter. It takes us three hours to arrive at our destination. Our … Continue reading
Let the Tour Begin
Today we meet up with our travel companions. Noon is our target. We start out to have breakfast across the street, the cafe is closed and when we go back to the hotel to ask where else to go they … Continue reading
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
We read this Santa Cruz is nothing special and I think I must agree. Nice enough place but just a city. This is our first time to Bolivia so it is a really good intro and the city seems friendly … Continue reading
Lima, Peru to Santa Cruz, Bolivia
We sight see from our taxi on the way to the airport in Lima to catch our flight to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. In the area where gringos are not supposed to tread, we drive through a circular square the size … Continue reading