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- Utila, Honduras
- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: Narita
Myanmar and Maldives Photos are Posted!
I have posted photos of our fall trip to Myanmar, the Maldives, Bangkok and Narita on the blog. Click on Photos on the main menu bar. There are four Photosets for this trip: Bangkok, Thailand 2013 Maldives 2013 Myanmar 2013 … Continue reading
Myanmar, Maldives, Bangkok and Narita Cash Budgets
Before we left we put together a cash budget for each of the four sections of our trip. We carried cash with us this time as credit cards are not widely accepted in Myanmar and we did not want to … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, Japan, Planning and Packing
Tagged Bangkok, Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, trip planning
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purgatory hanging at the airport reading 6 hours in a metal tube winging to Japan Narita fast trains snoozing in the sun on a bench polite people rice crackers soaked in soya sauce yum walking walking sobaya noodle soup walking … Continue reading
Seven Hours in Narita, Japan
We are walking down Omotesando Road in Narita and it is 8:00 am. We are the only ones around. It is Saturday morning and the residents are sleeping in. We know the temple is down the road and that is … Continue reading