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Tag Archives: Myanmar
Myanmar and Maldives Photos are Posted!
I have posted photos of our fall trip to Myanmar, the Maldives, Bangkok and Narita on the blog. Click on Photos on the main menu bar. There are four Photosets for this trip: Bangkok, Thailand 2013 Maldives 2013 Myanmar 2013 … Continue reading
Myanmar Observations – Rivers and Lakes
Right from our first day in Myanmar, where we eat lunch sitting beside a waterway, to our last days in Yangon, rivers or lakes are a constant sight. There are four large rivers flowing through Myanmar and a multitude of … Continue reading
Myanmar Observations – Tribes
Myanmar’s Shan District has 33 tribes within its borders. They are identified by the way they dress and their headwear.
Myanmar Observations – Rural Life
I enjoy taking pictures of everyday utensils in the small villages we walk through while in Myanmar. Pots, baskets, boats, jars, cages. Hand made, well used, handed down. Large, small, long, heavy, light, pot bellied. Made of iron, clay, wood, … Continue reading
Myanmar Observations – Mutual Picture Taking
We have traveled to many many countries and I cannot remember any locals wanting to take our pictures. (Murray has subsequently told me we have been asked.) In Myanmar, a number of locals ask to take our pictures or have … Continue reading
Myanmar Tidbits
Here are a few tidbits that did not make it into posts while we were traveling. A Story Seven princesses were spending the day picnicing near the Pindaya Caves, near Kalaw. It becomes dark and too late to travel home, … Continue reading
Myanmar, Maldives, Bangkok and Narita Cash Budgets
Before we left we put together a cash budget for each of the four sections of our trip. We carried cash with us this time as credit cards are not widely accepted in Myanmar and we did not want to … Continue reading
Posted in Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, Japan, Planning and Packing
Tagged Bangkok, Maldives, Myanmar, Narita, trip planning
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My Favorite Photos – A Peak
Along with laundry and putting away of travel stuff, one of the first things I do after a trip is to find my favorite photos and put them in the slide show on my desktop background. Here is a peak … Continue reading
purgatory hanging at the airport reading 6 hours in a metal tube winging to Japan Narita fast trains snoozing in the sun on a bench polite people rice crackers soaked in soya sauce yum walking walking sobaya noodle soup walking … Continue reading
Myanmar, Added Thoughts
Buddhism (one thought) Uncle Abbott explains portions of Buddhism in this way. Buddhists try to eliminate worry. One way to do this is to shave their heads. If a person has hair, he/she worries about fashion, how it looks. With … Continue reading