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Tag Archives: Cairo
Cairo, a last look
There are lots of cats and dogs in Egypt that do not belong to anyone. In Cairo, it is the cats that are a nuisance around the outdoor cafes, and everywhere really. Under tables, around my feet, pawing at my … Continue reading
Downtown Cairo Food Tour
Murray and I meet P, our guide from Bellies En-Route, who is going to take us on a food tour of downtown Cairo. Joining our group is E, a young Italian currently living in London. P explains there will be … Continue reading
Egypt Rant
A good portion of the last two days in Cairo have been spent on the road. I could not help but notice that driving in Cairo is chaos. But like all cities in the world where driving follows a very … Continue reading
Cairo, the Pyramids
Today is dedicated to the pyramids near Cairo. It’s 8:00 am and we are at the pyramids in Giza. I have wanted to see the pyramids in person for a long time and now we are standing, staring at them. … Continue reading