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Tag Archives: Botswana
I am in the shower this morning at the Days Inn Airport, in Vancouver, and realize that we take water for granted here in Canada. Traveling to countries like Tanzania and Botswana remind me of how lucky we are to … Continue reading
November 29 – Safari
Murray and I have been talking about the differences between the safari in Tanzania and the one in Botswana. The areas are very diverse with Tanzania being mostly arid, desert like in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater with areas of … Continue reading
Safari Goodbyes
I wake up hoping to see an elephant today. I know, I am not supposed to hope for things. But I do anyway. After saying goodbye and thank you to Pula, Mosh and Dunga, we three head off for our … Continue reading
Pat is turning us into birders. He is been teaching us the names of all the birds that we see and hear. Unfortunately, we only remember a fraction of them. I only remember the ones I like. Like the Yellow … Continue reading
Khwai Village
Today we move to the Moremi Game Reserve, our last stop. We drive by the location of the wild dogs but they are not visible. It is extremely quiet and we see almost no wild life except impala. We stop … Continue reading
Temperature After relatively nice temperatures in Tanzania we arrive to sweltering temperatures in Botswana. Kasane, a small town in the north, our safari starting point is 35C and rising. There is no breeze and the heat is suffocating. We walk … Continue reading
African Wild Dogs
The weather this morn, chilly. I have to wear a jacket to stay warm while we ply the trails looking for whatever the wilderness will cough up. Since there is not the abundance of animals we have been use to, … Continue reading
Sleeping, Eating and Floating
We are camping, safari camping, not North American mountain camping. We have a tent just large enough to fit two cots and two small tables. Our cots have sheets, pillows and comforters on them. The tables have African motif cloths … Continue reading
The Animal Kingdom
Yesterday, out of respect for one of our new found friends, we kept the blog to a few lines, but the events of the day demand we add an addendum to that edition. The entire day is an eye opening … Continue reading
Cats, an Elephant and Termites!
We have a quick breakfast, break camp and head towards Khwai. Our first sighting is a group of trucks. There is a “kill” up in a tree. That means leopard. We hear from another guide it is the same mother … Continue reading