Murray started packing today for his weekend trip to the mountains. He is on a course Saturday and Sunday. He will need cross country and telemark clothing. He won’t need many street clothes as his non ski time is quite limited. Here is what he pulled out:
Telemark Clothing (Course is held at Sunshine Village Ski Resort)
- Alpine Style Socks – heavy and light (heavy for cold temperatures and light for warmer temperatures)
- Long Underwear Top and Bottoms – heavy (wool) and light
- Long Sleeved T-shirt
- Lightweight Fuzzy
- Alpine Style Ski Pants
- Alpine Style Ski Jacket
- Alpine Style Ski Gloves – heavy and light
- Glove Liners
- Toques – heavy and light
- Ski Goggles
- Diamond Stone (for edging telemark skis)
- Telemark Skis, Boots and Poles
Cross Country Clothing (course is held at Canmore Nordic Centre)
- x-c Socks
- Long Underwear Bottoms – heavy (wind protection) and light (wool)
- Long Underwear Tops – 2 wool long sleeved shirts
- x-c Ski Pants
- x-c Ski Jacket
- x-c Ski Gloves – lobster claw and regular
- x-s Ski Toques – heavy and light
- Sunglasses
- x-c Ski Wax Kit
- Classical and Skate Skis, Boots and Poles
Street and Lounge Clothing
- Lounge Pants
- Lounge Hoodie
- Berkenstocks
- Socks
- Extra T-Shirt
- 1 pair Underwear
Miscellaneous Stuff
- Shaving Kit
- Book
- Notebook Computer
- Reading Glasses
- Pillow
- Granola Bars for snacks at courses
- Case of CDs to play in vehicle
- Snow Boots
- Coke
All the stuff (except the skis, poles and one pair of boots) is piled in the living room and looks like this:
On Friday, Murray will pack it into his bags, doubling checking that he has everything. He has made a list of stuff that has to be pulled out at the last minute (pills etc) and the list is sitting in the pile too. He will most likely be wearing jeans, T-shirt, winter jacket, hiking shoes, hat and gloves.
The clothing for telemark skiing is mostly the same as for alpine skiing. It is heavier and warmer as telemark is not as physically exerting as cross country. Skiers have to be dressed warmer as they ride the ski lift to get up the hill.
The clothing for classic and skate cross country skiing is lighter than telemark as it is more physical. It is a fine balance between dressing warm enough and over dressing and sweating too much. Murray does not have a problem with over sweating and once dressed for the temperature, does just fine. Whereas I am a “heavy sweater” and have to be careful with what I wear, but more about that when I talk about what I take.
I want to mention a pair of base layer long underwear that Murray just loves. They are made by Craft and have a wind panel on the front for protection. (I am probably not calling them by the proper name!) He says they work really well and would never leave them at home.